wedding photographer

It's nice to meet you, friend!

My love for weddings started when I was young. My nana & I would have movie nights almost every weekend when I was a kid. The favorites were The Wedding Planner and Shall We Dance. I can remember always dreaming about being a wedding planner and how romantic it seemed.  I mean Jennifer Lopez made it look so fun & simple! I can remember my teachers discouraging me from that path because a career in wedding planning was "unrealistic". Oh how wrong they were.

It took me awhile to let my young dream come to life. I started photography as a hobby in high school- taking my friends' senior portraits. Then I snowballed into families & engagements. But I always denied the dream. I was listening to everyone saying photography could never be a full-time career. So I stubbornly fought the dream by working as a teaching assistant & insurance producer.

6 years later, my husband finally convinced me to just do the damn thing. And I did. So the moral of the story is: just do the damn thing!

Catie Eovaldi

Here's what you really wanna know...

  • My wedding was a bit untraditional & the party of a century for our friends & family.

  • I'm an avid reader. My favorite book series is a tie between Throne of Glass, Harry Potter, & Lord of the Rings. If you can't tell from that, I'm kinda a nerd! I also really loved Fierce, Free, & Full of Fire & Atomic Habits.

  • There's no shame in my game- I collect video games. I still have my Nintendo64 and you better believe I still play Legend of Zelda & Crash Bandicoot.
  • My idea of a perfect vacation is getting a cabin in the woods and sitting by the fire every night. Smores included, of course!

  • I desperately want a garden, but I don't have a green thumb. I kill all flowers. Vegetables are mostly okay. They survive, but don't thrive. This year though I'm really trying to change that!

  • I pretty much live in flannels & my Vans.